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    High temperature wire and cable exports to pay attention to the five aspects

    At present, many domestic high-temperature wire and cable enterprises have to enter the foreign market, but compared with foreign products, China's high-temperature wire and cable products, the competitiveness of the product has yet to be improved, especially some companies do not understand foreign industry standards on the rush action, leading to business development In an awkward position. Spring grass as a high-temperature wire and cable industry's well-known brands, has made some achievements in foreign markets, the following to share the export of high-temperature wire and cable to pay attention to the five aspects.
    First, the technical standards:
    Foreign high-temperature wire and cable generally require the use of IEC or British standard, American Standard and other advanced standards, so only familiar with the domestic standards is not enough, but also familiar with international standards.
    Second, laying conditions:
    In Western Asia, Southeast Asia and other regions of the environmental conditions are more special, such as some areas of extreme maximum temperature of 50 ℃, the maximum daily average temperature of 40 ℃, the technical information should be concerned about the environmental parameters related to the description (such as the load capacity correction factor) The
    Third, the high temperature wire and cable structure:
    Due to the high temperature wire and cable laying the environment, the high temperature line structure in addition to meet the standard requirements, often there are some additional requirements, for which enterprises in the high temperature line design and manufacturing process to be noted.
    Fourth, the high temperature wire and cable packaging:
    For the export of high temperature wire and cable, the delivery tray generally use the broader market or steel plate structure, and with metal or wood closed packaging. In addition to considering the length of the high temperature wire tray and the minimum allowable bending radius, but also consider the size of the container. To strictly follow the order requirements. As the export of high-temperature line packaging than the domestic complex, it will affect the cost of high-temperature line and delivery time, to this end, in the contract should pay attention.
    5, other matters needing attention:
    Before shipment, to provide users with high temperature wire and cable main technical parameters, cross-section, laying instructions and other information, test reports should also be shipped with the goods. Technical information should ensure complete; to strictly control the high-temperature wire and cable manufacturing length, delivery length error to minimize. All export products through the national commodity inspection departments to test, and issued a commodity inspection book.
    With the accelerated process of world economic integration, domestic high-temperature wire and cable business market competition will not be confined to the domestic market, foreign markets is a bigger stage. Hope that domestic enterprises to enter the foreign market before you can carefully think about the above five points, combined with their own situation to make the most suitable for their own development programs.